"Aku tengah stress, tolong jangan kacau"
"Kau buatkan lah kerja tu, aku stress takda mood nak buat"
"Aku stress and fade up dengan family/boyfrend/study/hidup aku bla bla bla"
For me, dialogs nie memang untolerateable. Sebut pasal stress, semua orang di dunia kecik besor tua muda kaya miskin, semua, ada stress masing-masing.
For example, 2-weeks baby stress sebab mummy tak paham yang dia sakit perut, mummy asyik nak susukan dia ja. 2-years old kid stress sebab asyik jatuh bila berjalan. And nenek umur 60 tahun stress sebab gigi palsu selalu tercabut bila makan rendang, etc.
Cute la burung nie ^^,, |Google Image|
It doesn't matter how much or how little your stress is. The only thing that matter is the way you cope or deal with your stress. If you have very high coping skills, your stress will soon fade away, InsyaAllah. But, if you have very low coping skill, the smallest stressor ponn boleh buat you admit ke psychiatric ward.
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So, sit back and relax. Every problem akan ada solusinya yang tersendiri. It's your job untuk cari the solution. Stress juga tak bagus untuk awet muda. (+_________________+)